Butter, gently melted 75 ml
Brown Sugar 15 ml
Sesame Seeds, toasted 30 ml
Sesame Oil 15 ml
Chinese Five Spice seasoning 10 ml
Salt 5 ml
Grouse 2
Slowly melt butter and brown sugar in a small camping spice container. Add the next four ingredients, cover and shake well. Store in the fridge until the camping trip.
Quickly pluck the grouse and carefully eviscerate and clean it. Loosen the skin, being careful not to rip it. Spoon half of the butter sauce under the skin and in the grouse cavity.
Have a thick bed of coals ready, with very little or no flame. Put the birds on a spit or grill and turn occasionally, keeping them blocked from the wind while cooking. When almost fully cooked, slowly spread the remaining half of the butter mixture over the skin, allowing it to caramelize on.
There is nothing quite as tasty as a delicious, gourmet meal, served up on a tin camping plate.
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