Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy New Year!

At this time of year we celebrate the passing of the old, and the arrival of the new.  It is a time to look forward to a new beginning, a new chance to make a better world.  But, let us not forget the old.  Instead, let us remember all the good from the past year, the joys and happinesses, and most of all, let us remember all those with whom we shared those wonderful experiences.  Let us recreate the joys.  Let us make even more friends, create new joys, do more good to our fellow man, and turn this earth into a new heaven.  Let us walk in the footsteps of those who have walked the Sacred Road before us, following the advice of Gitchi Manitou, whose desire it is, for all His children to grow up good, and even go further than what He has gone!


  1. Yes!! I knew you posted something today. Smiles...
    Thank-you! It’s wonderful to have friends.
    I’ve been taken back with the friends who’ve come out of the woodwork, lately.
    It’s good to nourish those relationships.
    We never know what kind of good impact we might have on them as we give our love away; walking the path of the great Manitou.


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