Sunday, January 17, 2021


It is said in our culture, that long ago, the Great Father himself came down and walked upon the earth. That it was He who gave us beauty and variation, who put the animals upon the earth, and taught them how to talk and interact with each other. He taught his children how to live upon the earth, how to walk the sacred way, so they would grow and become like Him. He foretold of a time, when the children of the earth would forget Him, and He promised his children He would return to show them how to walk the Sacred Way again.

From time to time, I travel and give speeches about our beliefs to people of other religious beliefs. And this belief, that the Great Father loves us in this way, seems to be a challenge for others to accept. For example, one time, while giving a speech on the subject of Yeshua Messiah Son of Gitchi Manitou, born here on earth as a child of the earth (which often relates to Jesus Christ in the Christian religions), I told of an experience meeting Messiah. I spoke on the possibility of all having their own experience of the Son of Gitchi Manitou, to not give up hope, to keep going forward, that they could also learn about the One who came to walk the Sacred Path, and see Him for themselves.

Adapting to their phrasing and terminology, I told the congregation they could all see the Saviour, they could touch the prints from the nails in His hands, feet, and side. And of course, that they could embrace, and be embraced by the Saviour themselves.

The people were noticeably touched by my speech, leaning forward on the edge of their seats, bright shining eyes, glistening with tears of joy, looking forward to that glorious day when they would actually hold their Saviour in their arms.

Then their leader got up to the podium, and told everyone to not believe what was said. He told the congregation that God was not going to give everyone gifts, but to stay in their seats and do what their leaders tell them to do.

I felt so sad for all those folks sitting in the congregation, now being told that they are worthless. Being told that their loving Heavenly Father is a demonic man who has favourites! To be told that they are worthless to their God, to just stay in their seats, that their God was not going to give them anything!

All those people, who just moments ago had bright shining eyes, glistening with tears of joy, who were on the edge of their seats looking forward to that glorious day when they would actually hold their Saviour in their arms, were now slumped down in their seats, fighting back tears of worthlessness.

Why would any leader do this to their own people?

To these people, I would like to encourage you, No one has to believe all those folks who use the concept of a God to put fear in the hearts of men. They use that fear for their own benefit, keeping their own people down, telling their people that the Great Manitou will not talk to them, and will only talk to their leaders, that it is not possible for a regular person to get to God, to just do as their leaders tell them and send in their money if they want the “saving ordinances.”
The truth is, we all have the ability to visit with the Saviour. Many Medicine Men have had visits from the Son of the Great Manitou, and so can you.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy New Year!

At this time of year we celebrate the passing of the old, and the arrival of the new.  It is a time to look forward to a new beginning, a new chance to make a better world.  But, let us not forget the old.  Instead, let us remember all the good from the past year, the joys and happinesses, and most of all, let us remember all those with whom we shared those wonderful experiences.  Let us recreate the joys.  Let us make even more friends, create new joys, do more good to our fellow man, and turn this earth into a new heaven.  Let us walk in the footsteps of those who have walked the Sacred Road before us, following the advice of Gitchi Manitou, whose desire it is, for all His children to grow up good, and even go further than what He has gone!

Why I Share So Much!

Good afternoon everyone. Today is August 5 th ; Monday, August 5th, 2024.   And I have been thinking today, about making a summary of the va...