Thursday, July 20, 2023

Making Medicine


In this video I show parts of making a medicine that is primarily for burns, but has many applications.  Being my first video about making medicine, I left out several small, but important steps.  It is always good to purify everything that is being used; prayers, song, sage, and of course yourself.  Dedicate everything to Gitchi Manitou and all to whom it is applied.

Finding Peace


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Greed, Ugly Greed

Those with sufficient means are not the only ones who are greedy.  I have seen many poor people that were greedy.  In fact, it is one of the most common vices to keep people poor, greed!  Greed mixed with laziness is the most common combination that I have seen that keeps people poor.  The heavens often respond in direct correlation to the type of person we are.  If we are lazy, the heavens will be lazy with us.  If we give excuses, the heavens will give excuses with us.  If we are generous, the heavens will also be generous with us, in direct proportion to our generosity, and that also according to how pure our motives are, etc.

Perfect Love

Perfect love allows the blessings to flow from Heaven.  The more selfless we are, the more we share with others, the more the heavens will share with us!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Being Humble


It can be so difficult to address problems in today's society.  But, if we want to get the results, then we need to see things as they are, without excuse.  This is the first step to change.

Why I Share So Much!

Good afternoon everyone. Today is August 5 th ; Monday, August 5th, 2024.   And I have been thinking today, about making a summary of the va...