Monday, November 30, 2020

Autumn Colours

I love this picture, from this previous autumn, when the leaves were changing colour to the north-west of the Sacred Circle.

One of the previous mornings to taking this picture, after just finishing the opening prayer, I opened my eyes to see a deer standing in the Sacred Circle, in the North, looking back at me. It hopped out to the north, and stood looking back at me while I entered the Circle, and went about the rest of the opening ceremony, leaving part way through.

Kaawaa Pamatin Miina

I really do not speak Michif well. Although the language and it's dialects are dying, there are several movements to revive the language.


I recently started a YouTube channel, and I am trying to learn how to post videos here on this blog as well.  


As I have gotten a little older, I have watched the world change.  People, as a general category, do not change, but the way we interact with each other has changed since I was a young lad.  Especially with this latest scare situation.  Panic is everywhere, and people are filled with fear and dread, of catching some terrible disease from each other.  Therefore rules are being instituted to satiate their fear.  People are living in terror, so much so that many are ending their lives because of that terror and loneliness.  This should not be so!  

Over the course of my life I have seen so much damage done by fear.  Fear in families, fear in education, fear in relationships, fear in society, even fear in spirituality.  Fear causes serious damage to individuals as well as society at large.  I would like to present a better way.  

What I share here will be my experiences, my memoirs.  I may occasionally share links that I find relevant, but generally I would like to stick to my own experiences.  I have decided to share, so that people may see there is a choice.  They can choose to live in fear, making decisions based out of fear, or they can live in hope, making choices that work out for their happiness, and the happiness for society.  

These are my experiences, and I would like to share them with you.  

Why I Share So Much!

Good afternoon everyone. Today is August 5 th ; Monday, August 5th, 2024.   And I have been thinking today, about making a summary of the va...