Good afternoon everyone. Today is August 5th; Monday, August 5th, 2024. And I have been thinking today, about making a summary of the various things that I have been taught and the reason that I…, well, my mission I guess, mostly. And so I thought I would make a little summary of the picture of the whole thing, because lately I have been telling just parts and pieces, and I have not really told the whole picture. Well, not much of it anyways. So I would like to share that today.
I am standing out here on probably the highest hill
that we have here, and I just got back from the
Okay, so let us see. I guess a long time ago now, I was about 17 years old. I know I have told part of this story before. I had read a lot about different people having various spiritual experiences, a lot of different experiences. There is prophets and holy men and medicine men and people who have had a great deal of experiences, and they could do some pretty amazing things to help their people. And I always thought this was amazing. I mean, for a holy man to go and be able to approach the Great Father and ask what is wrong with somebody and how do I fix it; how do I help them? And then for them to see a vision or hear the answer with words; for them to actually get that communication. And even some of them got to see messengers, helpers as they came from the Great Father to them. And they got to see them come and they were able to talk with them, get answers. Some of the holy men of the past have been able to see their ancestors and talk face-to-face with their ancestors and learn whatever information that was needed in order to help their people of that day. To me, this has always been astounding. And I did have that drive to always help, and wanted to help my own people. And so I continued in ceremony a lot, fasting, praying, really trying my very best to live to the highest standards that I could; to be a noble and trustworthy, honourable and to be the kind of person that people would trust with their problems. And when they needed help, I would jump up and help. They always knew I would help. And so I continued to pursue the Great Father with all my heart; to, I guess, ask for that ability to be able to speak with Him and give answers to people; ask for that ability to see and talk with my ancestors, and receive that information that would be helpful for our community and our people. And that is what I wanted to do.
I continued to pursue it and it did eventually happen. And I have told this story many times. And the Son of the Great Father came and talked to me. First in vision, like I said, first in vision, then later on as visitations, where you could see and talk to Him face to face, that kind of thing.
And this, of course, I was taught; I was taught things. How do I become this help to my people? Well, He taught me. And He taught me how. And He taught me where I was lacking in my behaviour, because I have to live to a certain standard. But He taught me something very important that is not very common, at least with the folks I talk to, it is not very common knowledge. He taught me that these things that the great medicine men of the past have done actually come because of their behaviour. And it comes, because they are extremely trustworthy and honourable type of people. And so that is what I was taught. And He said: Here is where you are lacking. And He taught me how to improve my behaviour, how to improve myself. And so I did; I followed His teachings. And He said: If you do things this way, these other things will flow to you on their own. And I thought that is kind of odd, because we were always taught as children that there was a mighty God in the sky that would either bless you or curse you and stuff like that. And I thought: This is odd. Here is a gentleman who is saying: No, we are not like that. We are your ancestors. We have been there before ourselves. We know the situation and we learned how to behave, so that these things flow through us and out to the people. And He said: You can do that too.
This was a huge shock. This was an enormous shock. So I asked: How? Well, you have to behave a certain way and live your life a certain way, always being good and noble and kind and loyal and faithful and all of those things, even when others do not treat you that way, you need to treat them that way. And I thought, well, okay, and I am already doing some of that. Where am I lacking? And He began to teach me where I was lacking.
And so I started changing my life in accordance with the things He taught. And these blessings, what you would call blessings, started to flow all by themselves. And it only took my devotion and efforts to try and help people for those things to flow. And you end up seeing visions. I do not know why. It is just you get into that depth of love and devotion, and those visions started coming. You see messengers; they come to bring a message sometimes. Sometimes I would read from a screen, the words would come up and I would read, like a teleprompter. Sometimes there were things that would happen that where I would hear the voice in my ear, a voice, not just thoughts in your head, but a voice outside of your own head, tell you instructions step by step and you follow them.
Sometimes, it was like I said, messengers, come see us. Sometimes, the Son of the Great Father Himself would come and teach and instruct you. This was all amazing stuff. But, They told me specifically that it actually came from this proper behaviour, living properly. And I thought: Wow, that is pretty good!
And then of course, here is the kick in the pants is that the Great Father would like a lot more messengers and medicine men, holy men. He would like a whole lot more here upon the earth to help the people. And He said, because these are His children. He wants them to become like Him and be great medicine men like Him.
Now, how is that? That is some love there. That is some humility there. And I thought, wow! And He said, He is willing to, well, the Son said, willing to teach us all of these things; how to do it ourselves.
I mean, I am standing upon this hill, do you remember that story from the Bible where the Lord fed the 5,000 with some bread and fish? 5,000 people! Some accounts say 5,000 men, plus their spouses and children. That is a lot of people. It is a lot of people. And, how do you do that? Well, you have to live like that guy lived, if you want those kind of blessings. And you are thinking: Well, I better learn how that guy lived, in order to have these things flow. And this is very, very interesting. And yet They want others to be like Them.
So, I go and try and share this message: That this is what is going on. The Great Father would like you to be like Him, and become a great medicine man. Become a holy man. Help people, and help, and help, and get that peace established here upon the earth.
And you know what? Most of the people I talk to say, sure, we would love that. And then you tell them, okay, He told me this is how to do it, then that is where I lose them.
They answer: I cannot change my life like that. They do not want to live to that standard. It is a hard standard. They have to be good even when others treat them bad. That is a hard standard. They need to knock off the addictions, get rid of all that stuff, and actually be productive. That is a hard standard. People do not like doing that. They enjoy, I do not want to be too hard, but they enjoy looking out for number one; themselves. And yes, a lot of people care very much about their families, friends, and relatives, everybody. But they cannot quite hit that standard. But they are trying. They are trying. So they are doing better.
So the Great Father does need a lot of medicine, men, a lot of holy men. And He is willing to actually teach us these things and how to actually accomplish this ourselves. Certainly all this knowledge, He has already established, and it comes from Him, and He knows how to do it. But this was shocking to myself.
So, I go out and share this information with everyone. And now that we have things like YouTube, and Rumble, and the podcasts, and Spotify, and all these things that I use, and the blogs, and everything on the computer, I am trying to get this message out there. The message of how to do this stuff out there, so that people can learn it, and take it back to their communities and help the people of their communities.
So this is what we have been looking for. This is what we have been wanting. This is what the holy men and have sought for ages. And this is the summary of what is actually happening and being offered. Now, of course, do not forget there are a lot of different people upon the earth. There a lot of different ways of thought. There are a lot of different religions and spiritual paths, and this is not to interfere with any of those. This is just to share the way of the Great Father, to have holy men upon the earth who would like to help in His work.
So that is what this is for. That is what this is all about. That is why I am so proactive in sharing this information. None of it goes against another person's beliefs. Well, it could I suppose. But I mean the belief of love and caring for others, it certainly does not go against that. And raising your standard of behaviour, I think, forgive me, but I do not know all the religions, but I believe that raising your standard of behaviour is common in most all of the religions. So there are arguments over it, and I have had plenty of people argue, and I just let them argue and basically let them believe what they want, of course. Do not argue back, but still you offer. You offer what the Great Father has offered to the people. And so here I am offering it again.
The Great Father would like many, many Holy men, medicine men, messengers, helpers, here upon the earth. And He would like to teach you, and teach you in person even, how to do those things. And He is offering to teach you that higher standard of behaviour, so that these things flow, and flow through you, and you become that hollow bone, right? You become that hole in the sky through which all of these blessings flow.
So there you have it, a very short little summary of what is going on. And I have posted all kinds of more details about it, but that is what is happening. So we are trying to… There are many good people out there living to a certain standard, and they are doing great. But the Fathers have an even higher standard that they would like to share with us, so that those blessings flow through us to each other. That is it.
So if anybody is actually interested in learning that higher standard, I have been posting about it and I will continue posting about it. And if you are ever in the neighbourhood, feel free to drop by and we can have a talk about it. So until then, have a great day, everybody. See you later.